Galatic HeartFull Connection
Oct 24, 2023Dear Beauty Being,
I heard someone speak of Galactic Heritage a few weeks back, the term and idea struck a chord in me. I will write about it today and expand more below with resources and sparks of intrigue.
Firstly, I will relate this to heart medicine. The more we inquire, relate, and become curious about our galactic heritage, our star nature the more we build the potency of our heart medicine.
We are spirit beings(or star beings) having a human experience on planet earth. It really isn’t all that “far out”, it just IS.
The main operating system in the human/soul form is the HEART. The more we know about our true nature the more we can act, interact, drink, build etc. our heart medicine that we take internally and externally.
Do I have your attention?
From a personal lens I am learning more about my astrological birth chart and being guided in star energy meditations, this is expanding my heart and head beyond the ego structure, constructs, systems etc. Why is this important? Learn more below.
Expanding on Galactic Heritage, it is clear and known, scientifically and energetically, and in all the realms, that we are made of the same elements of Stardust.
And we are much more than we ever imagined we are. I recently heard someone speak about patriarchy and I thought to myself yes, we were mesmerized, co-opted, and withdrawn from our hearts. David and Pam speak about this in this video with an eloquence that is in support of how we transition through this time…
There is always light working through the dark. The light always wins as long as we focus on the light, on our at Galactic Heritage, therefore aligned with our truth.
We all have a truth that is interconnected and most importantly we have a truth that is unique to our Galactic Human Soul Blueprint.
When we start to live our lives from this lens, absolute true wonder happens.
Stay curious, dive into your heart and soul. Listen and be guided by the LIGHT.
Always loving you!
Michelle- Heart Medicine Woman