Choosing the HEART
Jul 16, 2023
Dear Beauty Being,
I am continuously amazed at how I am given tests and challenges to support me in my own evolution and how when running a soul-lead business it informs how I offer and level up.
I have come to recognize the closer I am to actualizing my heart desires the more I can be challenged by what I sometimes refer to as the Makara. The Makara is a term from Hinduism that I have heard means lower consciousness, ego-mind among other things.
Makara is written about in the Kundalini of the West, written by Swami Radha who founded Yasodhara Ashram, where I lived and studied for some time. This is an amazing supportive book!
The Makara is a force that can take you away from the heart… it can be interpreted as "against" the heart if not respected and understood as an entity or energy that can be used to sharpen discernment and aid in the POWER to choose the HEART.
You may recall from another column, that I have been on a conceiving journey, and recently I took much time and effort to do an embryo transfer that was unsuccessful, in the sense that I am not pregnant. The Makara energy tempted me to be in doom and gloom and even tempted me to accept the doctors' offer of two more embryos.
To stay on the “high road” on the road of higher conscious expansion and evolution, I listened very closely, and I knew that something was not aligned about using these embryos. And I could feel that in my heart.
I had to go deeper into the layers of my heart to get a sense of what path to take. Living the line of surrender is deeply rewarding and soul-expanding. I did what I know to do, ask Divine Oracle, be in meditation, and wait for signs from God/Divine Mother/Higher Source in the form of spirit animals and other synchronicities.
The Makara energy may be trickster energy behind the same old, same old, it may have you spinning, overwhelmed, or in a place of “poor me”. If this is the case your HEART MEDICINE is the remedy, and I am here to support waking that up!
There are other ways to describe Makara energy one being the Karpman triangle dynamic, see this link for more details of the victim, persecutor, and rescuer dynamic. The Makara is related to lower consciousness or protective ego mechanisms.
The Makara is a gift, a mythological representation of the forces that can teach us how to evolve. Not everyone will choose this energy/force/creature for this reason. Others will choose or unconsciously be seduced to be in greed, lust, and low consciousness.
Reach out if this interests or intrigued you by sending me an email at: [email protected]
I love you!
Michelle-Heart Medicine Woman