When you KNOW, you KNOW
Nov 13, 2023Dear Beauty Being,
This column is laced with the energy of PEACE. I ask that you contemplate what that means to you. I ask that you consider peace defined by an online dictionary is:
freedom from disturbance; tranquility.
"You can while away an hour or two in peace and seclusion".
Imagine living in a baseline of peace, a place of calm.
Imagine living in a nervous system state of “rest and digest”.
This is possible and only so if we choose it.
I am choosing it. I am choosing it more consciously than ever. I have been choosing it since I decided to sober up in 2006. When I decided to live less recklessly under the influence of binge drinking and drugging.
I am choosing it NOW when I recognize that being in Southern Ontario activates the “busy body” in me, it activates the overachiever, the DO DO DO state; which causes my system to be in “war” over exerting and losing touch with harmony.
This old programming kicked in and I am rising to the opportunity to choose otherwise.
This is the micro choice that will make a difference in the macro. As more and more chaos happens as old paradigms crumble and new ones birth, simply choosing peace in one’s own life matters—— BIG TIME!
When you KNOW you KNOW. As I have been evolving, and rising in consciousness there is no turning back and this excites me! My body will not let me live in chaos, war etc.
Thank you VERY MUCH!!
So, as the world changes, I change. I will not crumble with the patriarchy. I will not crumble with false democracy. I will not crumble with gender confusion/concern/expansion. I will not crumble in the pathological devices of society. As hate rises. I will choose LOVE.
And that LOVE must start with SELF on a new level!!
What truly is self-love anyway, read more about it here.
Michelle ~ Heart Medicine Woman