SANCTIFY SELF - embody YOU, the Woman. Make Holy. Give the Gift to all generations.
Sanctify – “set apart as or declare holy; consecrate”
Sacred, Holy, Venerate.
Enroll nowWe are the WOMEN.
WE are the keepers of the relationships.
Choose love in you and FLOW~ Water.
Burn and utilize FEAR ~ Fire.
Breathe life into your heart and root~ Air.
Ground into Trust and Grow~ Earth.
Be held in the holiness of the Masculine ~ Sun.
Feel embraced by the ancient watery wisdom~ Moon.
See yourself from the inside out
Tap into the inherent wisdom and divinity within
Choose to become WHOLE
Choose to be supported to get into flow
F*ck the too busy, too tired, too old, too…
Enroll nowSanctify Self is a program designed to set you FREE and to align with your AUTHENTICITY
You were born to be FREE, to be divinely feminine held in the holiness of the masculine
Make your default JOY and PLEASURE.
Choose gratitude, celebration and appreciation.
I help you find yourself to be FREE
I interrupt your bullshit
I see through your false masculine personality
I am a catalyst to free up your feminine power from the masculine drive
I work through LOVE at its highest.
It is compassion and discipline. Kindness and Fierceness. Practical and Spiritual.
Enroll nowWhat to expect from Santify Self
- 8 weeks of activation
- Group calls every week
- Telegram group
- Access to Michelle through email
- Audio recordings that go with every module
- Modules released per week
- Includes resource material, tools, and practices
- Rituals and ceremony
Enroll in the program
An energetic investment at this level is a profound statement of self-love!
Sanctify Self
$588 x 6
6 monthly payments
Sanctify Self
one time payment
Please fill out this application,
you will be prompted to book a call with Michelle after you submit the application